The first international conference “Train traffic safety assurance technologies for the non-public tracks” took place in Ekaterinburg on 16th-17th of June, 2010.
Initiators of such a scaling and respectable event for the heads and specialists of the industrial railway transport companies were research and production centre “Promelectronica”, nonprofit partnership of “Industrial railway transport enterprises” (NP “PPZT”) and nonprofit company “Soyuzgruzpromtrans”.
More than hundred heads and specialists from Russia, Ukraine, Belorussia and Kazakhstan met in the conference hall of a new hotel “Angelo” in Ekaterinburg. The goal was to discuss legal aspects and safety regulations for the train traffic on non-public tracks, ways and methods of train traffic safety assurance for the railway transport, to analyze economical efficiency of introduction of modern railway automation, telecommunication and informatization systems at PPZT and discuss other questions important for this field.
The representatives from central staff of Federal Railway Transport Agency (FAZT), Ural and Siberian area office of FAZT, Ural area office of Goszheldornadzor participated in the conference.
The conference started in particular with discussing of legal framework, introduction of changes in the existing regulatory documents, primary concern of traffic safety at the enterprises and the role of newly created self-regulated organizations.
V.I. Trapeznikov, deputy head of Ural area office of FAZT:
“I hope that results of the conference will be exact valid proposals, which may be considered by the Ministry of transport and new regulatory document for maintenance of industrial transport will be accepted.”
A.G. Rodionov, director general of NP “PPZT”, about the non-profit partnership and self-regulated organizations:
“When people with common objectives and goals are consolidated, then it is easier to survive on the market supporting each other, including legal support. In essence, the State gave opportunity for business to be self-organized in order to protect itself in all authorities, advance the legal initiatives on the state level and improve the market.”
In the second part exact proposals for train traffic safety assurance, new technologies and modern railway automatics and telemechanics were discussed.
Deputy director general of JSC “NIIAS” V.S. Nagovitsyn and head of automatics and telemechanics department of Sverdlovsk Railway A.L. Kraev had speech with official reports. Specialists from R&P Centre “Promelectronica” performed microprocessor systems of railway automatics. Many systems are already used at the main railway lines and rail access at industrial enterprises. This question was also considered in the reports of participants. Thus, head of industrial engineering department of JSC “NTMK” E.A.Noskov reported about the experience of using axle counting system ESSO on the factory. Video report, taken by TV of West Siberian Metallurgic Plant, about the integrated introduction of microprocessor interlocking MPTs-I and ESSO was performed during the conference.
Overall, about 50 enterprises attended the conference, among which heads and technicians of railway transport from mining, metallurgic, coal, chemical, oil fields, standalone industrial railway transport companies, representatives from design organizations, construction and other companies operating for the industrial railway transport enterprises.
Director general of JSC “R&P Centre “Promelectronica” I.G.Tilk:
“Industrial railway transport is one of the most important part of entire transport system in the country. Cargos carried over the infrastructure of JSC “RZD” are formed at the non-public tracks. And, of course, it is impossible to overestimate the meaning of train traffic safety assurance systems in industrial railway transport. Automatics and telemechanics devices - are foundation, on which traffic safety is based and it is “keystone” for construction of high-efficient automated traffic process operation systems.”
As many participants noted, success of passed event contained of prosperous and actual combination of legal aspects of PPZT activity and exact proposals on improving the traffic safety systems. Following the results of conference, the decisions are developed including the most important initiatives in order to further progression in legislative departments.
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