JSC R&D Company Promelectronica continues cooperation with the major producer of mineral fertilizers – JSC MCC EuroChem. New systems control Druzhnaya Station of the EuroChem – Belorechenskiye Mineralnye Udobrenia (Belorechensk Mineral Fertilizers) in Krasnodar Territory. The company produces sulfuric acid, wet-process phosphoric acid and compound fertilizers.
In Druzhnaya Station an outdated electric interlocking was replaced with a modern MPC-I electronic interlocking system featuring redundancy, moreover the system was integrated with a diesel generator to ensure emergency power supply. Now MPC-I controls 26 points and 40 light signals within the chemical plant, whereas track circuits were replaced with ESSO-M-2 axle counting system featuring DKU-M wheel sensors.
Modernization project also included modernization of a level-crossing on Druzhnaya – Pshekhskaya Line with MAPS level-crossing protection system. Moreover, the line is now fitted with a single-track automatic block system without intermediary light signals, where track clearance is controlled by ESSO-M-2 system.
EuroChem-BMU enterprise occupies an area of 6 square kilometers. Connecting tracks were built back in the 1970s and belonged to a private Armavir – Tuapse line, which is now a part of North-Caucasian Railway.
Cooperation of JSC R&D Company Promelectronica and JSC MCC EuroChem began in 2015, when the first major Palashery station was fitted with MPC-I and ESSO-M systems, while Palashery – Berezniki-Sortirovochnaya Line was fitted with MPB semi-automatic block system.