MPB Computer-Based Semi-Automatic Block System

  • Tasks
  • Advantages
  • Areas of use
  • Data Sheet
  • Set of Equipment
  • Technical Data
  • Cost Efficiency
  • Geography
  • Licenses and certificate
  • Reviews
  • Technical support
Микропроцессорная полуавтоматическая блокировка

MPB Computer-Based Semi-Automatic Block System

MPB is designed for train spacing on lines with low traffic intensity

MPB is designed for train spacing on lines with low traffic intensity. Data transmission can be ensured both by physical and digital lines such as voice-frequency channel, fiber optics, radiochannel. ARM MPB Station Terminal has a user-friendly interface.

MPB has a function of automatic block post which encrease traffic capacity of a track section. MPB Controller performs logic of block post dependencies without any changes to hard- or software. In case of several automatic block posts per a line, MPB could perform as alternative system to automatic block systems based on axle counting. Number of block posts depends on traffic intensity, length of a track section and permitted speed. One haul coul be equipped with 10 automatic block posts.

Promelectronica Catalogue of Products


  1. Improved train traffic safety on low-traffic lines due to embedded haul vacancy control.
  2. Increased thoughput capacity of a line due to automatic block posts.
  3. Reduced running costs due to decreased amount of relay equipment.
  4. Improved reliability of equipment due to automatic switch to redundant communication channel.
  5. Switch to modern communication means on sections equipped with semiautomatic block systems (no air cable).


  • Block signals are transmitted via both physiacal lines and didgital systems: voice-frequency channels, fiber optics, radiochannel.
  • Haul vacancy control.
  • Embedded diagnostics and event logging.
  • Arrangement of automatic block posts. Up to 10 block posts on a haul.
  • Improved work conditions due to event logging and automated commands.
  • Line equipped with MPB could be connected to CTC.
  • Operation does not require adjustments.

Railway Segments

  • Low traffic sections at main lines and industrial transport.
  • Alternative system to relay semiautomatic block systems.

Data Sheet

Set of Equipment

  • Two similar subsets (controllers) located on adjacent to the railway haul stations.
  • ESSO/ESSO-M trackside equipment (when railway haul is controlled using axle counting method).
  • Impusle overvoltage protection units.
MPB Controller
DKU Wheel Sensor
MPB Cabinet
ARM MPB Station Terminal

Technical Data

  • Supply voltage, DC: 12V or 24V.
  • Supply voltage, AC: 16 V.
  • Power consumption (without outdoor equipment): not over 10 W.
  • Overall sizes: 315х125х275 mm.
  • Operating temperature range: -60..+85°С.
  • For the connection with digital signalling systems interface RS232/485 is provided using open protocol MODBUS.
  • Automatic redundancy of communication channels.
  • MPB is a compact system. Its outdoor equipment is placed in building, relay cabinet or MKM Equipment Container Module.

Cost Efficiency

Geography of implementation of the MPB system

Licenses and certificates of the MPB system

  • MPB
    Diploma for 2nd place in the contest for the best quality system, issued by the Russian Railways (MPB system)
  • MPB
    Declaration of compliance for MPB (page 1)
  • MPB
    Declaration of compliance for MPB (page 2)

Customer reviews about the MPB system

  • MPB
    JSC O’zbekiston Temir Yo’llari
    We would like to express our gratitude to senior management and specialists of the company for holding training sessions for the students of the Tashkent Institute of Railway Engineering and Specialists of Uzbekistani Railways.
    M.U. Akbarov, Chief Engineer of Signalling and Communication Department
  • MPB
    Kaliningrad Railway – branch of JSC "RZD"
    Systems based on axle counting method are widely used: computer-based block system (MPB), level-crossing protection system (MAPS), axle counting system (ESSO). Implementation of these systems allowed to solve problems, related to low sensitivity on low-density tracks and provide necessary train traffic safety. Theuse of MPB gave possibility to refuse from a wire communication channel and use FO lines. Also, reservation of communication channel is realized in MPB. The most important is that systems showed high reliability, also due to the integrated lightning protection and adaptability to various climatic conditions.
    S.O.Deltsov, Chief engineer of signalling division of Kaliningrad railway – branch of JSC “RZD”
  • MPB
    Far East Railway - branch of JSC "RZD"
    We express a deep gratitude for qualified works and put into service MPB equipment at Baranovsky - Provalovo line and MPC-I Interlocking at Pozharsky and Barsovy stations.
    A.G. Prudnikov, head of Ussuriysk Signalling Department