ABTC-I Computer-Based Auto Block System with Audio-Frequency Track Circuits

  • Tasks
  • Advantages
  • Areas of use
  • Data Sheet
  • Video
  • Set of Equipment
  • Technical Data
  • Reliability and Safety
  • Cost Efficiency
  • Geography
  • Licenses and certificate
  • Technical support
Фото модуля АБТЦ-И

ABTC-I Computer-Based Auto Block System with Audio-Frequency Track Circuits

ABTC-I System with Audio-Track Circuits is designed for interval control and ensures train traffic safety.

ABTC-I Computer-Based Auto Block System with Audio-Track Circuits is designed for interval control and ensures train traffic safety at single-, double- and multi-track railway lines, including high-speed lines.

ABTC-I is one of the most modern train spacing systems. No regulation of modules due to computer based parts used in ABTC-I. The Complex Waveform Module generates and amplifies track circuit control signals, ALSN and ALS-EN signals that increases reliability and minimizes required area in relay room.

Auto Block System could be interfaced both with computer based and electric interlockings. It does not require any adjustment during the operation.

ABTC-I is a part of SINTERA Train Spacing System via radiochannel. SINTERS application increases train traffic capacity on railways across Russia and abroad by reducing the train spacing. In its final form SINTERA system will be the improved functional alternative to ERTMS/ETCS systems Level 2 and 3.

Promelectronica Catalogue of Products


  1. Train spacing and ensuring traffic safety at railway lines of all categories.
  2. Increased thoughput capacity of a line.
  3. Reduced construction and running costs.
  4. Improved control efficiency and personnel work environment.


  • Fully non-relay system.
  • Embedded diagnostic, monitoring and event logging.
  • Interfacing with MPC-I Interlocking via digital interface.
  • Advanced resistance to impulse, swithcing and lightning overvoltage.
  • Approved cybersecurity.
  • FSTEK Certificate for protection against undeclared capabilities and unauthorized access.

Railway Segments

  • High speed lines.
  • Track sections with any type of traction, single-, double- and multitrack hauls on railways of any categories.

Data Sheet

Video about ABTC-I

Set of Equipment

  • ABTC-I Control Cabinet.
  • Track Circuits Cabinet.
  • Control Module (MU).
  • Complex Waveform generator (GKS).
  • Trackside Recievers Module (MPP).
  • Relay Interface Module (MEC).
  • Station Terminal Interfacing Module (MARM).
  • Interstation Link Module (FOC-MSS).
  • Interfacing Module (MDC).
ABTC-I Modules
ABTC-I Cabinet
ABTC-I Electrician Terminal
ABTC-I Electrician Terminal

Technical Data

  • Stationary or mobile block sections.
  • Maximum length of the railway haul (without intermediate points) – up to 30 km.
  • ALSN/ALS-EN coding.
  • 10 control frequencies of the rail lines in the range from 475 to 975 Hz.
  • Type of control signal modulation – frequency shift.
  • Type of additional protective coding of the rail line control signals – 8-bit modified Bauer code.
  • Monitoring of the rail line control signals without additional measuring tools.

Reliability and Safety

Screen of ABTC-I Electrician Terminal made during tests for cybersecurity.

  • ABTC-I is based on modern highly efficient electronic components.
  • Customized configuration: ABTC-I with light signals and without light signals (ALSO).

Cost Efficiency

Geography of implementation of the ABTC-I system

Licenses and certificates of the ABTC-I system

  • ABTC-I
    Declaration of compliance for ABTC-I Automatic Block System (page 1)
  • ABTC-I
    Declaration of compliance for ABTC-I Automatic Block System (page 2)
  • ABTC-I
    Certificate of Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia for ABTC-I (page 1)
  • ABTC-I
    Certificate of Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia for ABTC-I (page 2)
  • ABTC-I
    FSTEK Certificate for ABTC-I
  • ABTC-I
    Annex to FSTEK Certificate for ABTC-I